Sutton Sailing Club

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Maintenance Morning this Sunday / Open Day

We are hopefully going to be doing a lot of tidying up and maintenance at the club during the morning of this Sunday 8th June (ahead of the Open Day the following Saturday). We will be starting at around 9.30 and going on until whenever but no later than the commencement of preparations for the afternoon racing.

Please give up some of your time and bring along a rake, broom, branch loper, trailer? etc etc to help this task go well.

There is a white board in the clubhouse showing the list of jobs intended to be done, but if you have other things you wish addressing please add them to the whiteboard or as a comment to this blog.

The Open day also needs volunteers for assisting with sailing on the water, catering and admin and simple talking to the visitors to make them feel at home - if you can do either morning or afternoon (or both) of Saturday 14th June, please let Jill Lambert know.