Sutton Sailing Club

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


A BIG FAT THANK YOU to all the members who contributed towards the hard clean up morning.

A great deal was achieved with the largest number of participants we have ever had (the bacon butties were nice as well) the results speak for themselves.

Anyone who was unable to attend can contact Allan Coleman for details of few minor jobs outstanding.

and a final reminder about our social evening on 2nd of November which is a Quiz night with Richard Petley (very popular and well attended last time).

Allan Coleman

Sunday, October 09, 2011

The Second Social Evening of the Autumn

The Second Social Evening of the Autumn
Wednesday November 2nd at 7.30

The Second Richard Petley Quiz Night

Come along and pit your mind against Richard's warped mind
and the intelligentsia of Sutton Sailing Club (not difficult)
Richard promised that there would be no sailing questions this time

Nibbles will be provided and of course the bar will be open
Come along for a good laugh and get to know your fellow sailors a bit better
New club members are particularly welcome

Please let Allan Coleman know if you plan to come so that he can organise things
(but if you forget, still come)